Follow @cmoulliard
Rob Biresch has published an interesting post in dzone (SOA zone) about what is new in ServiceMix 4.
For more info, read its post and don't hesitate to vote on dzone
Integration with Apache Camel, ServiceMix and ActiveMQ
Sr. RedHat Architect
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Trick to customize war deployment on ServiceMix4 using PAX
Follow @cmoulliard
Here is another very interesting trick that you can use to customize the war the deployment process on ServiceMix.
customize = in this context, this word means How can I add property or extend existing of a MANIFEST file
e.g. : The WAR to be deployed contains tlb files created under the folder WEB-INF/tags/form and WEB-INF/tags/jms. By default PAX will create a MANIFEST file containing the property Bundle-Classpath with :
Two possibilities are available to tell to PAX that it must include in the Bundle-Classpath your folders
1) Command + uri
This one consists in to pass the parameters as an uri like this :
install war:file:///d:/temp/activemq-web-console-5.2.0.war?Bundle-Classpath= ., WEB-INF/tags/form, WEB-INF/tags/jms&Webapp-Context= activemqweb
2) Create a file.bnd + command
Another interesting option is to provide as a file the location of the WAR and the properties that you want to add
Bundle-Classpath=., WEB-INF/tags/form, WEB-INF/tags/jms
customize = in this context, this word means How can I add property or extend existing of a MANIFEST file
e.g. : The WAR to be deployed contains tlb files created under the folder WEB-INF/tags/form and WEB-INF/tags/jms. By default PAX will create a MANIFEST file containing the property Bundle-Classpath with :
- WEB-INF/classes
- all jars from WEB-INF/lib directory
Two possibilities are available to tell to PAX that it must include in the Bundle-Classpath your folders
1) Command + uri
This one consists in to pass the parameters as an uri like this :
install war:file:///d:/temp/activemq-web-console-5.2.0.war?Bundle-Classpath= ., WEB-INF/tags/form, WEB-INF/tags/jms&Webapp-Context= activemqweb
2) Create a file.bnd + command
Another interesting option is to provide as a file the location of the WAR and the properties that you want to add
- Create a file called xxxx.bnd
- Add in the file the following lines :
Bundle-Classpath=., WEB-INF/tags/form, WEB-INF/tags/jms
- use in your favorite OSGI server (ServiceMix) the following command to install the WAR :
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Friday, March 27, 2009
ServiceMix 4 as a Web Application Server
Follow @cmoulliard
This week, I have discovered the web possibilities offered by the ServiceMix 4 platform. SMX ("pour les intimes") uses as its core platform the excellent packages of the project PAX which is the umbrella project for all OSGi bundles and tools.
In standard, the following bundles are installed :
[ 9] [Active ] [ ] [ 8] OPS4J Pax Logging - API (1.3.0)
[ 10] [Active ] [ ] [ 8] OPS4J Pax Logging - Service (1.3.0)
[ 11] [Active ] [ ] [ 5] OPS4J Pax Url - wrap: (0.3.3)
[ 12] [Active ] [ ] [ 5] OPS4J Pax Url - mvn: (0.3.3)
They are used to log information of the server and to install or wrap bundles. Nevertheless, PAX project is not limited to the mentioned bundles but proposes also Web support for jetty.
To install or transform ServiceMix as a Web Application Server, you can use the "web" and "web-core" feature (available under ServiceMix 4) or install the following bundles manually :
- OPS4J Pax Web - Web Container (0.5.2)
- OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (0.5.2)
- OPS4J Pax Web Extender - WAR (0.5.0)
- OPS4J Pax Web Extender - Whiteboard (0.5.0)
- OPS4J Pax Url - war:, war-i: (0.3.3)
- Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jetty-6.1.14 (
The Web Application Server becomes available at the url http://localhost:8080.
Evidently, no jsp pages, servlets are available. Don't worry, to deploy a WAR, you only have to copy it to the deploy directory of ServiceMix and it will convert be converted as a bundle
By example, you can install a simple Hello World war using the command
install war:file:///d:/temp/sample.war?Webapp-Context=sample
remarks :
- file:/// must be changed according to the location of your war
- The parameter WebApp-Context is added to have a nicer web address
and see the result at the address : http://localhost:8080/sample/index.html

Yes, this looks beautiful but the web port number is 8080, my boss would like to secure the web site, change the session timeout, ....
This is very simple to do, you create a file named (org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg) and copy it in the directory etc of servicemix, in this file you can parametrize by example the following properties (see PAX for more information) :
You restart Servicemix and now the web site is available at the following address :
In standard, the following bundles are installed :
[ 9] [Active ] [ ] [ 8] OPS4J Pax Logging - API (1.3.0)
[ 10] [Active ] [ ] [ 8] OPS4J Pax Logging - Service (1.3.0)
[ 11] [Active ] [ ] [ 5] OPS4J Pax Url - wrap: (0.3.3)
[ 12] [Active ] [ ] [ 5] OPS4J Pax Url - mvn: (0.3.3)
They are used to log information of the server and to install or wrap bundles. Nevertheless, PAX project is not limited to the mentioned bundles but proposes also Web support for jetty.
To install or transform ServiceMix as a Web Application Server, you can use the "web" and "web-core" feature (available under ServiceMix 4) or install the following bundles manually :
- OPS4J Pax Web - Web Container (0.5.2)
- OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (0.5.2)
- OPS4J Pax Web Extender - WAR (0.5.0)
- OPS4J Pax Web Extender - Whiteboard (0.5.0)
- OPS4J Pax Url - war:, war-i: (0.3.3)
- Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jetty-6.1.14 (
The Web Application Server becomes available at the url http://localhost:8080.
Evidently, no jsp pages, servlets are available. Don't worry, to deploy a WAR, you only have to copy it to the deploy directory of ServiceMix and it will convert be converted as a bundle
By example, you can install a simple Hello World war using the command
install war:file:///d:/temp/sample.war?Webapp-Context=sample
remarks :
- file:/// must be changed according to the location of your war
- The parameter WebApp-Context is added to have a nicer web address
and see the result at the address : http://localhost:8080/sample/index.html

This is very simple to do, you create a file named (org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg) and copy it in the directory etc of servicemix, in this file you can parametrize by example the following properties (see PAX for more information) :
You restart Servicemix and now the web site is available at the following address :
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Web Application Server
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Can Apache Camel be independent of the queuing engine ?
Follow @cmoulliard
Designing and deploying an Apache Camel project in an environment where you have (as an administrator) the control is something very simple to do. Most of the time, the code that you will receive from the developers will be ready to be deployed on the server (ServiceMix, J2EE, ...).
But this is not the case, when you work in big companies where the infrastructure is separated from the teams in charge to design/build/deploy and release the application. As a developer you don't have access to the acceptance or production environment. This means that you must provide different configuration files to the builder team and/or release management in order to deploy your application in development, acceptance and production environment.
Obviously, the name of the servers are not the same and the infrastructure is in charge to manage the queues servers. In this environment, infra will never accept that the queues definition or creation of the queuing engine are under the responsibility of the developer(s). Thus, it will not be possible in your spring DSL file (or Camel Java DSL classes) to declare your queuing engine like this :
<bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent" >
<property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost:61616" / >
</bean >
remark: vm://localhost:61616 must be changed to serverName.intranet.domainName:port
depending on queuing engine deployed in the different environment.
To make Camel independent of its queuing engine :
1) Add the required bundles to your ServiceMix 4 osgi server to allow it to work with ActiveMq. Normally, the features transaction and activemq are activated by default in the file etc/org.apache.servicemix.features.cfg. So, you don't have to do anything else except if you use ServiceMix Kernel. In this case, you have to add the bundles manually or add a link (in the config file) to the features.xml file where the bundles have been declared
2) Create a spring xml file where the parameters of the queuing engine are defined. Luckily, such a file already exists and is available from Apache ServiceMix 4 project. So, copy the file into the deploy folder of ServiceMix 4 or Servicemix 4 Kernel
3) Create a osgi-queueservice.xml file containing the following lines and copy it in the deploy folder of ServiceMix
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="active-mq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent" />
<osgi:service id="osgiqueuingservice" ref="active-mq" interface="org.apache.camel.Component"/>
When the spring file will be at the server startup loaded by Spring (though its Application context), it will create the bean "active-mq" and instantiate the class : org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent.
Remarks :
- No parameters are provided to the ActiveMqComponent like brokerUrl, ...
- If you need to work with another JMS queuing engine, you can replace the class ActiveMQComponent by : org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent
Next it will create an OSGI service called "osgiqueuingservice" and expose it through the interfaces : org.apache.camel.Component
Remark : As JmsComponent, ActiveMqComponent implements this interface, the OSGI service is generic. So you could parameterized it using a property file (cfg file in the ServiceMix world)
4) The last step is very simple. In your camel config file, you add a reference to your osgi service in order to retrieve the queuing engine like this :
<osgi:reference id="queuingservice" interface="org.apache.camel.Component" />
Please remark that you import the Component interface. So, Camel becomes independent of the queuing engine used (WebSphere, TIBCO, ActiveMQ, ...)
and in your Camel route :
<camel:from uri="queuingservice:queue:in" />
But this is not the case, when you work in big companies where the infrastructure is separated from the teams in charge to design/build/deploy and release the application. As a developer you don't have access to the acceptance or production environment. This means that you must provide different configuration files to the builder team and/or release management in order to deploy your application in development, acceptance and production environment.
Obviously, the name of the servers are not the same and the infrastructure is in charge to manage the queues servers. In this environment, infra will never accept that the queues definition or creation of the queuing engine are under the responsibility of the developer(s). Thus, it will not be possible in your spring DSL file (or Camel Java DSL classes) to declare your queuing engine like this :
<bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent" >
<property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost:61616" / >
</bean >
remark: vm://localhost:61616 must be changed to serverName.intranet.domainName:port
depending on queuing engine deployed in the different environment.
To make Camel independent of its queuing engine :
- ActiveMq,
- WebSphereMQ,
- SonicMq,
- ...
- Size of the queue,
- Size of the messages accepted on the queue,
- Persistence of the messages
- ...
1) Add the required bundles to your ServiceMix 4 osgi server to allow it to work with ActiveMq. Normally, the features transaction and activemq are activated by default in the file etc/org.apache.servicemix.features.cfg. So, you don't have to do anything else except if you use ServiceMix Kernel. In this case, you have to add the bundles manually or add a link (in the config file) to the features.xml file where the bundles have been declared
2) Create a spring xml file where the parameters of the queuing engine are defined. Luckily, such a file already exists and is available from Apache ServiceMix 4 project. So, copy the file into the deploy folder of ServiceMix 4 or Servicemix 4 Kernel
3) Create a osgi-queueservice.xml file containing the following lines and copy it in the deploy folder of ServiceMix
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="active-mq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent" />
<osgi:service id="osgiqueuingservice" ref="active-mq" interface="org.apache.camel.Component"/>
When the spring file will be at the server startup loaded by Spring (though its Application context), it will create the bean "active-mq" and instantiate the class : org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent.
Remarks :
- No parameters are provided to the ActiveMqComponent like brokerUrl, ...
- If you need to work with another JMS queuing engine, you can replace the class ActiveMQComponent by : org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent
Next it will create an OSGI service called "osgiqueuingservice" and expose it through the interfaces : org.apache.camel.Component
Remark : As JmsComponent, ActiveMqComponent implements this interface, the OSGI service is generic. So you could parameterized it using a property file (cfg file in the ServiceMix world)
4) The last step is very simple. In your camel config file, you add a reference to your osgi service in order to retrieve the queuing engine like this :
<osgi:reference id="queuingservice" interface="org.apache.camel.Component" />
Please remark that you import the Component interface. So, Camel becomes independent of the queuing engine used (WebSphere, TIBCO, ActiveMQ, ...)
and in your Camel route :
<camel:from uri="queuingservice:queue:in" />
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
How to share connection pool - OSGI- SMX4
Follow @cmoulliard
Here is an interesting article published on the blog of Adrian Tranaman showing How to share a connection pool between OSGI bundle.
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