Friday, August 8, 2008

Taking Apache Camel for a ride (ApacheCon 11/05/2008)

From: bruce.snyder, 3 months ago

Presentation from ApacheCon EU 2008

SlideShare Link

Design Patterns Quick Reference

Thanks to Mark to spend time to compile in pdf document the famous GoF patterns

Getting Started with OSGi

Here are interesting links to start to work on OSGI :

1) Neil Bartlett :
2) Osgi for beginners (Serverside):
3) JavaWorld :
- Part1 :
- Part2 :
- Part3 :
4) Spring Dynamics Module :
5) Apache Felix :

Choosing between Routing and Orchestration in an ESB

The goal of this interesting article is to help ESB users choose the right answer according to their needs, when confronted with the most complex and diverse of ESB concepts: routing and orchestration.

Instead of abstract theorizing we will ground our efforts and reasoning in simple, real-world examples in an attempt to fill the void between low-level routing and global, business service orchestration. In other words: We will try to uncover how the different layers of routing and orchestration build up.

Even if the solution used to make the design is a ESB based on JBI specification --> Petals, the publication provides a clear presentation of the concepts and help the architect to choose.

Link : Choosing between Routing and Orchestration in an ESB

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Apache Camel 1.4 released

The new version of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Apache Camel ( 1.4.0 ) has been released. This release includes 261 new features, improvements and bug fixes. With this release, Camel proves that they become a significant actor in the SOA world. The community behind and the talented developers help this project to grow fast and to provide interesting alternatives to design SOA solutions around Enterprise Integration Patterns and the DSL language.