Web service related links of interest this week:
- Glen Mazza's Weblog: "Creating a WSDL-first web service with Apache CXF or GlassFish Metro"
- Enterprise Mashup Services :This is the second part of the "Enterprise Mashup services" article explaining how to use JSF and AJAX instead of javascript in JSP page
- SOA - Enterprise Mashup Services: This interesting article shows How we can design SOA solutions in enterprise world by leveraging J2EE platform and using Java to JavaScript API, Google Map, DWR & Spring
- Why Mashups = (REST + ‘Traditional SOA’) * Web 2.0 - Blog the web :
A Mashup is a new service, that combines functionality or content from existing sources. These existing sources can be Web Services (through the use of API’s), RSS feeds or even just other Websites (by screen-scraping).