Friday, November 20, 2009

New features for Apache Camel Bindy (non XML binding framework)

Today has been a very productive day. I have found the time to update the documentation about the Apache Camel Tutorial on OSGI and commit the last new features added to camel-bindy : the non XML binding framework used to parse or generate CSV, FIX, ... messages

This new version of bindy includes important new features like :
- Required (@DataField) to check mandatory field
- Position (@DataField and @KeyValuePairField) when the CSV/FIX message to be generate contain fields which are placed at a different position then those used to parse it
- Section which allow to define the class containing by example the header, body or footer section


- OneToMany which allow to :

  • Read a FIX message containing repetitive groups (= group of tags/keys)
  • Generate a CSV with repetitive data
More info can be find here.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Tutorial part 1 about Apache Camel and OSGI (reviewed)

Last friday, I have spend some times to update the part 1 of the Apache Camel tutotrial. This tutorial shows how you can easily and quickly build and deploy a small SOA project using Camel 2.0 top of Apache Felix Karaf 1.0.0

The second part of this tutorial will be upgraded soon and will include a new section about integration tests with Pax Exam

Apache Camel Group on Linkedln

Apache Camel has now its Group on Linkedln web site :

Feel free to join us to discuss / exchange ideas / news and jobs about your favorite mediation and router framework