Take free time, a two break hours and joint me during one of the following events :
The purpose of this presentation/demo is to show you how easy it is to design integration between systems (web services, file systems, database, queue engine) using the projects Camel, ServiceMix and ActiveMQ of the foundation Apache.
First part :
Presentation of the projects Camel, ServiceMix and ActiveMq
Description of the topologies proposed : messaging, osgi, web, ...
High-availability and scalability (ServiceMix and/or ActiveMQ)
Second part :
Making of of the demo solution
Transpose it into camel DSL language
Coding of WebService (using Apache CXF), DAO and Persistence layer (Spring + Hibernate JPA) and Web layer (Apache Wicket),
Development of Camel routes,
Packaging and Deployment
Is there anywhere the presentation from this talk in pdf or powerpoint format available?
Best regards
Is there anywhere the presentation from this talk in pdf or powerpoint format available?
Best regards
Presentation is here : http://www.slideshare.net/cmoulliard/fuse-source-parisjug10052011
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